
 What is the
Starfish Project
for Children?

The primary work of the Starfish Project for Children (SPFC) is motivating kids (K-12) to engage in community service by providing opportunities for them. SPFC exists so that children can discover the internal satisfaction that engaging in community service can bring them. Learn more >

>> The Starfish Story <<

While walking along a beach, a grandfather noticed his young grandson picking up starfish that had washed up onto the shore and gently throwing them back into the ocean. The grandfather asked his grandson what he was doing. The child said he was throwing the starfish back into the ocean because starfish cannot live outside of the ocean. Upon hearing this, the grandfather stopped his young grandson. He said, “There are miles and miles of beach and there are starfish along every mile. You can’t possibly make a difference.” The child listened politely. Then his young grandson bent down, picked up a starfish and gently tossed it into the ocean to catch the receding tide and said “It made a difference to that one.”
- unknown author  

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What Makes Us Special?

At SPFC, we focus on not only on the service itself, but also on the child doing the service. We want children to discover the intrinsic satisfaction of engaging in community service, and so our experience is designed to build the foundation for a lifetime of service.